
Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Site...

Not much happening on site at the moment as we wait for permits and soil testing.

The site (see photo) has great potential and ample space. You will be able to access the garden from the school, and also from Elstree Ave.

In the meantime our seedlings are growing steadily and will be ready soon to give away for planting in your home garden. Some seedlings will also be planted in the bays outside of classrooms - so look out for those.

Meetings and further planning continue. Feel free to join us! A newsletter will be sent to the school community soon with more info on the seedlings, and how to sign up to be part of this project. Check back here for all the latest info.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

We are underway!

On Monday the third of October eight kids and six adults planted over 200 seedlings. They will be given away to people who've signed up for the community garden. Yvonne then took them back to the place where she works so they can grow and be watered undercover until they are ready to give away. We planted a variety of different seeds such as spinach, melons, parsley, tomato, beetroot, rocket and others.

Thanks to Mr. Malloy for letting us use his shed, we really needed it since it was such a windy day! 

Thanks also to Homer from Gardens for Health for showing us how to plant seedlings and for providing seeds. In late October we will hopefully have some healthy seedlings ready for people to take home and plant in their own gardens.